Secondary sources and FAQs

We’ve covered a lot here, but you may still have further questions. Check out our comprehensive list to find an answer to your query.



Does my business need to employ a specialist in health and safety?

Not necessarily, although you will need someone who is competent. This means they understand and comply to all legal requirements, and have been fully trained in dealing with health and safety concern.

Do I need to look after employees if they work outside of the main office?

You do. Although it might be a challenge you need to ensure a risk assessment has been carried out prior to them working there. In the case of a person’s house, it makes more sense to just inform them of safety requirements.

What responsibilities do I have for visitors?

If anyone is visiting your place of work, you’re in charge of their wellbeing. If you’ve taken the necessary precautions for your staff, this should be enough. Just be sure to apply the same safety rules to them as your employees.

Is there anything else I need to display?

Ideally, you should also have a poster which you can display in your office or place of work, reminding people of the health and safety regulations which were laid out in 1974.


Secondary sources

Read through these secondary sources to discover more about workplace

Arbill discuss five of the most common injuries you’re likely to pick up at work:

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CNWL discuss health and safety in the workplace:

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Finder analyse some of the most prominent workplace injury statistics from the past year:

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HSE talk about the rules of reporting an injury, as laid out by RIDDOR:

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Law Donut discuss some health and safety FAQs:

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Unison serve as a hub of information for health and safety knowledge:

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